Genre: Contemporary Romance
Sensuality: 6
I am not even done reading this one yet. But I felt urged to warn the masses about how boring this book is.
WARNING!!! This book is very, very boring.
The strange thing is that one of my most favorite books of ALL time is a Johnston book (The Cowboy).
This author LOVES her family feuds. I don't mind one, but every page must have "but your a Grayhawk and I'm a Flynn!" "I'm a Flynn and your a Grayhawk"?????? Why are we reminding ourselves of our last names so often?
It felt like the author was trying to convince us the feud was real. Real and serious!
There is no chemistry between the main characters either.
Just don't buy it. This one was an impulse buy that I completely regret. Especially since there was a great classics DVD I could have purchased instead.
Happy reading
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