Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Source One, by Allyson Simonian 2/5

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Sensuality: 7

This book felt like I was listening to a robot dictate to me. When I think back, there wasn’t much of a plot to begin with.

A young woman gets a job to work as an assistant for a man that seems to hate her. Said man is a single father with woman issues that he takes out on the young woman. She leaves the job after a while, theeeeeennn he is interested in her. (Sigh) The reason I am referring to the main characters as woman and man is because I completely forgot their names, and I am too lazy and disinterested to open the kindle book and find out.

Thank God this one was free.

2/5 (Two points because the author gave it a shot and tried!):)

Take Care

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden, by Jessica Sorensen 4/5

Genre: Contemporary Young Adult

Sensuality: 8.5

This is slowly becoming one of my favorites in the young adult genre. I’m not exactly sure why either…It is a bit of an emotional roller-coaster. The main characters both appear to be well adjusted young adults. And you learn through the novel that they, like most teens these days, are not. One downside of this novel is the fact that it is a part of a series.

Callie and Kayden both attend the same school for years. Then one fateful night before moving on to college, they experienced something (non-romantic) that would stick with both of them for a while. The reader gets a chance to see how both of them adjusted to college years (baggage and all) and the sudden awareness of each other.

The story does deal with a variety of abusive situations. The author brought to light other forms of abuse besides physical abuse. Sorensen created some great supporting characters also, that added to the story. I kind of liked the supporting male character more than the hero. I guess I enjoyed this one because it’s a story about people that are definitely not perfect. It’s great seeing a relationship where both parties help the other to be healthier, and are protective of the other person. Even if it’s a fictional relationship.


Happy Reading